Dates: October 9th, 2024
Esper Agent Version: 7.18.1291
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- We’ve increased the character limit for property lists (PLists) in a blueprint. You can now add up to 128,000 characters in a property list.
- You can now view more than 10 app versions in a blueprint for Enterprise apps.
- Added improved error message for app installation and app syncs.
- Fixed an issue where the device didn’t provision if it rebooted during the provisioning process.
- Fixed an issue where the Esper Agent unexpectedly crashed during provisioning for Zebra TC15 devices. We’ve fixed this, so the device shouldn’t crash unexpectedly during provisioning or while in Esper Settings.
- In Self-service Billing, the yearly plan now runs until the start of the month of the next year. It used to run until the end of the current year.
- Custom Role users will now be able to view and request bug reports in the Capture Logs section of a device in Devices & Groups.
We’re excited to launch DevRel 148 over the coming days, and the Esper team is hard at work on the next release. Please contact Esper Support to share your thoughts on how Esper can improve future releases.