Dates: April 24, 2024 - April 29, 2024
Esper Agent Version: 7.17.0456
New Features
- We’ve changed the workflow for file and app deletions when they’re linked to a blueprint. Previously, you couldn’t delete an app or a file if it was in a blueprint. Now, you can delete the files and apps from the earlier version(s) and then delete those files from Apps and Content Management.
- Not sure why your device got stuck in onboarding? We’ve added a utility window to help you diagnose the most common issues. Now you’ll be able to:
- Change Wi-Fi networks from the onboarding screen.
- Reboot or reset devices with a tap.
- See detailed error messages that let you know what to do next.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Blueprint names and versions are now included in the Event Feed. Check when a device was converged to a blueprint by going to its event feed.
- We fixed an issue where the locale for a language was not in the provisioning QR code even if it was selected in a blueprint. Now, QR codes will have locale data.
- We fixed an issue for our legacy Templates experience where you couldn’t set a language from the Provisioning Methods screen. You can now set the language for provisioning templates.
- We fixed an issue where the provisioning language sometimes showed up for iOS provisioning even if it wasn’t selectable. You’ll now only see applicable menu items for iOS provisioning.
- We fixed an issue where onboarded iOS device data didn’t appear in the Dashboard. Dashboard data will now appear for iOS devices.
- We fixed an issue where the Actions > Remove Registration option didn’t work in Devices & Groups. You can now remove registrations using the Actions button and ellipsis button.
- We fixed an issue where, if you sent a command in the Legacy Devices & Groups view, the Event Feed would show 0 devices. The Event Feed now populates with the correct number of devices.
- We fixed an issue where devices that changed groups would not get the new group’s blueprint. Now, devices moved to a new group will be assigned that group’s blueprint.
We’re excited to launch DevRel 136 over the coming days, and the Esper team is hard at work on the next release. Please contact Esper Support to share your thoughts on how Esper can improve future releases.