See frequently asked questions for Kiosk Mode.
Can I block system alerts — such as amber alert — in Kiosk Mode?
In Kiosk Mode, the notification bar is disabled; you shouldn't receive such notifications. They will be populated in the notification panel and will not interfere with the device user's experience.
Can I update the Wi-Fi password in Kiosk mode?
In Kiosk Mode, you can retrieve the hidden dock — 3-taps on the right corner — which allows you to access Esper settings or the Esper Wi-Fi settings page.
Can I have more than one app in Kiosk Mode?
No. Kiosk Mode does not allow for more than one app to be launched at a time. However, you can set other apps to the show state in a blueprint. If the Kiosk app has a way to access the other app (such as a button or link), then the other app will be accessible, even in Kiosk Mode.
How do I activate Kiosk Mode?
You can activate Kiosk Mode through a blueprint for Android and iOS devices. Android devices can also switch to Kiosk Mode from the device's Settings page.