One of Esper’s most powerful features is the ability to issue device commands from a single dashboard. This article covers the basics so you can quickly master Esper’s settings and commands.
In this article:
Accessing Commands and Settings
In Esper, several ways exist to control a single device or a group of devices:
- Through the device
- Through a compliance policy or blueprint
To use these controls, you’ll need the appropriate access to the groups these devices belong to. The best way to find if you have appropriate permissions is to search for a test device in Devices & Groups by searching for the last five characters of its Device ID.
Search for a device by its name, alias name, or serial number.
The Esper Console will have a different layout depending if your tenant if your tenant is on the Templates or Blueprints experience.
In Blueprints, navigate to the Devices & Groups section.
Then click on the Settings tab.
The top half of the Settings tab contains device controls such as Sound, Display, Time & Date, and ADB settings for applicable devices.
The second half of the screen contains Quick Actions. Quick Actions are commands you send to a device.
Devices that don’t communicate with Esper, such as those that are turned off, won’t receive commands until they're able to communicate with Esper again.
Quick actions will allow the following:
- Lock device: Restrict access to the devices.
- Device mode: Switch between multi-app mode and kiosk mode.
- Ping device: Send a ping to the device. Also known as a heartbeat.
- Lock screen: Lock a device’s screen. Useful when you notice suspicious behavior on the device.
- Reboot device: Perform a reboot on a single device or a group.
- Factory reset: Remove the device from Esper. Read more about removing devices.
- Send message: Broadcast a message to the device.
In Templates, navigate to the Devices & Groups and click on Select devices. Then enter its identifying information in the search box.
Then search for its identifying information.
Search for a device using its ID, alias name, or serial number.
Click on the device name to open the Device details page, then go to the Settings tab.
The top half of the screen contains Quick Actions. Quick Actions are commands you send to a device.
Devices that don’t communicate with Esper, such as those that are turned off, won’t receive commands until they're able to communicate with Esper again.
Quick actions will allow the following:
- Lock device: Restrict access to the devices.
- Device mode: Enables to switch between multi-app or kiosk mode.
- Ping device: Send a ping to the device. Also known as a heartbeat.
- Lock screen: Lock a device’s screen. Useful when you notice suspicious behavior on the device.
- Reboot device: Perform a reboot on a single device or a group.
- Factory reset: Remove the device from Esper. Read more about removing devices.
- Send message: Broadcast a message to the device.
- Beep device: Have the device emit a noise for up to five minutes. Useful when locating the physical device.
The bottom half of the screen contains device settings.
Use the caret to open these settings.
- Display: Make modifications to the device’s brightness, screen orientation, or screen timeout.
- Sound: Make modifications to the volume settings on the device.
- Branding: Add or remove wallpaper on the device. Upload a JPEG or PNG with a 25MB size limit.
- Wi-Fi: Add or remove available Wi-Fi access points on the device. These changes affect access points already available on the device. To connect to a different network, a device user must manually connect to an access point.
- Ethernet: If available, modifications can be made to connect via ethernet.
- Location: Enable or disable GPS on the device.
- Time & Date: Change the timezone of the device.
- ADB Access: Enable or disable ADB access on the device.
Another way to modify device settings is through the device’s compliance policy (if on the Templates experience) or blueprint.
Changing a device’s settings through a blueprint can impact the devices assigned to it. When troubleshooting, it’s recommended that you use the Devices & Groups section to make changes to an individual device.
To make a modification to a blueprint, or to create a compliance policy, will depend on your access privileges. Learn more about Access-based roles, or reach out to your enterprise administrator for more information.
Troubleshooting Tips
Esper streamlines troubleshooting with a variety of methods. The following methods are available after clicking on a device in Devices & Groups.
Capture Logs
The Capture Logs tab allows users to generate a bug report to be shared with Esper or internal teams.
Remote Viewer
Remote Viewer allows users to view a device’s screen, enabling your support team to communicate with technicians to diagnose problems even if the device is in the field. The device (iOS or Android) must be communicating with Esper for your support team to remote into the device.
Some devices offer Remote Control, allowing the user to control the device from the console. See our Remote Control article for more information.
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a software program developed by Android. After downloading the program and connecting a device, ADB allows users to send commands to that device. ADB access and duration are controlled by a device’s blueprint or template. Keep in mind you’ll also have to agree to the notification on the device.
Esper also offers Secure Remote ADB for devices running Foundation.
Esper gives support teams a variety of ways to troubleshoot and diagnose devices, whether you’re in the same location or many miles away. Use a variety of Esper tools and methods to maintain your device fleet.