The Devices & Groups section enables you to manage devices and groups in one place.
In this article:
The Directory allows you to see several details about your devices at a glance:
The Directory allows you to see several details about your devices at a glance:
- Device ID: The device’s Esper Console ID.
- Alias: The device’s alias name (if any).
- Group Name: The group the device is part of (if any).
- Last Seen: The last time the device checked in with Esper.
- Last Seen Timestamp: A timestamp of the last check-in.
- Blueprint: The Blueprint that manages the device (if any).
- In Drift: Whether or not the device is in drift meaning whether or not the device’s configurations match its blueprint.
- OS Platform: The device’s operating system.
To see a list of available Actions, click on the ellipsis (...) in the device’s row.
Device Actions
Move a device to a Group.
For provisioned devices on the Blueprint experience, any blueprint associated with that group is automatically applied.
Add Tags
Add a tag to identify the device.
Rename Device
Add an alias name to identify the device.
Delete Device
Removes the device from the tenant (for Seamless Provisioned devices only).
Ping Device
The device will check in with the Esper Cloud.
The device will reboot or restart.
Screen Lock
Lock the device’s screen.
Send Message
Send a message to the device.
Beep Device
The device will emit a beep sound for five minutes.
Change Blueprint
Change the device’s blueprint.
Select Change Only to assign the device to a new blueprint without applying that blueprint’s configurations. If you choose Change Only, you can manually apply the settings by pressing Converge.
Select Change & Converge to assign the new blueprint and apply that blueprint’s configurations to the device.
A scheduled command to change a blueprint works the same as a Scheduled Converge.
Converge a device to apply its assigned blueprint’s configurations.
You can choose to Immediately Converge or Schedule Converge. You can also choose whether or not to include Provision-only blueprint settings.
Immediately Converge
The changes will take effect immediately.
Schedule Converge
Set up a schedule for the Converge command. During that schedule, devices that are communicating with the Esper Console will Converge. Keep the following in mind when scheduling a Converge command:
- Once a device has Converged, it will not Converge again during the same window.
- You can choose between scheduling the Converge for Console time or device time. Device time may make more sense for devices spread out across multiple locations, but may lead to confusion when viewing those devices in the Console.
- Devices that never check in with the Esper Console during the scheduled window will not receive the command. Learn more about Scheduled Commands.
Factory Reset
Factory Reset the device.
Filtering the List
To filter the list, click on the Filter button.
You can filter based on several parameters:
- OS: The device’s system version.
- Battery Percentage (Android only): The device’s battery level .
- Last Seen: Select the last seen tag or date range.
- Blueprint: The Blueprint applied to the device.
- Device Properties:
- The device type:
- Supports GMS Services: These devices have access to the Google Play Store.
- Non GMS: These devices don’t have access to the Google Play Store.
- ABM: These iOS devices are in Apple Business Manager.
- Non-ABM: These iOS devices aren’t in Apple Business Manager.
- The network type (Android only):
- LTE (Cellular)
- Ethernet
- Wi-Fi
- Other
- The device type:
- Device Status
- Provisioned: A device that was added to Esper and has a Blueprint assigned to it.
- Registered: For Seamlessly Provisioned devices, this is the step when the device checks in with the Esper Cloud. For all other devices, this is the first step the device takes when it starts provisioning with Esper.
- Onboarded: A device that has registered with the Esper Console, or received the Esper Agent software, but is not yet provisioned.
- Onboarding in Progress: A brief state when the device is added to Esper.
- Others: Intermediary states.
- Group Name
- Tags
- Last Seen
- Security Status (Android only)
- No Risk
- Low Risk
- Medium Risk
- High Risk
- Undetermined Risk