Having issues? Or need some best practice advice? Esper Support is here to help! See how and where to submit a ticket along with best practices. We are also always curious to hear feedback or feature suggestions.
You can also visit our status page.
In this article:
- Submitting a Ticket
- Viewing Support Tickets
- Best Practices for Filling out a Ticket
- Troubleshooting Steps
Submitting a Ticket
From the console
From the Console, click the Support menu from the top of the screen and then select Submit Ticket. You'll be able to access this button from most parts of the Console.
Next, fill out your ticket.
Choose the ticket type:
- Question
- Issue
- New Feature
- Feedback
Product Area
Choose the section of the product in which you’re experiencing issues, or choose Other.
Enter a subject that lists the main feature or issue involved (e.g., Provisioning not completed).
Then describe the issue. Provide the steps you performed when you encountered the issue. Use as much detail as possible.
If applicable, provide the following details:
- Affected Groups, Devices by name or ID and Device Type
- Device OS version
- Number of Affected Devices
In most cases, it’s helpful to include screenshots or videos of exactly what you encounter so that we can better serve you. To do this, select Add Attachments. The file size is limited to 30 MB. You can also link to the file. For larger files, provide a link, such as a Dropbox or Google Drive link.
File uploads are limited to 30 MB.
After entering the required information, click Submit a Ticket.
Viewing Support Tickets
After submitting a ticket, you’ll see your tickets by selecting Support > View Tickets.
You’ll see the tickets you’ve created. It may take a few moments for new tickets to appear. Try refreshing the page to view new tickets.
Ticket Status
Check on a ticket’s status in the Status column. Each time your ticket status changes, you'll receive an email. Be sure to respond to tickets marked “Awaiting reply”.
- Open: Tickets that are awaiting a response from the Esper Support team.
- Awaiting reply: Tickets awaiting your response.
- Solved: Closed tickets. These tickets are solved and cannot be reopened.
Best Practices for Filling out a Ticket
We’ve put together a list of questions that usually helps us understand an issue. Use these questions to get started.
The more detail, the better when it comes to issues. Help us help you by answering relevant details for the issue you’re experiencing.
- Is the device connected to a network? Is it an LTE device or Wi-Fi device?
- Device model:
- Esper Agent version:
- Steps that caused the issue to occur:
- How often does the issue occur:
- Known workarounds:
- Testing steps taken:
If you have videos, images, or bug reports that show the issue, add them as an attachment. You can also link to these files.
New feature requests
New features will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Here’s some questions to get you started.
- What will this feature accomplish for your organization?
- What is the expected behavior?
- Why is this feature important?
Have feedback? Share it with us.
Troubleshooting Steps
Want to take troubleshooting into your own hands? Here’s some steps we recommend to get started.
- Is the issue reproducible? Is it an Esper issue or a hardware issue?
- Test on the device experiencing the issue.
- Test on a different device.
- Is it a network issue?
- Test on the same network experiencing the issue.
- Test on a Hotspot or a different network.