The Dashboard hosts the status panel, pipeline activities, and navigation. Use this screen to get a high-level overview of your device fleet.
In this article:
Status Panels
The main body of the Dashboard contains the following status panels:
Device Status
The Device status panel shows the current deployment status of all your devices and their status:
- Last seen < 30 mins: Esper communicated with this device no more than 30 minutes ago.
- Last seen > 30 mins & < 24 hrs: Esper last communicated with this device between 30 minutes and 24 hours ago.
- Last seen > 24 hrs: Esper communicated with this device more than 24 hours ago.
- Unprovisioned Devices: Devices that are not yet provisioned. For example, devices that are registered with Esper, onboarding, and under-provisioning will all appear here.
Click on one of the bars to see the corresponding devices in the Devices & Groups section.
Device Security
The Device Security panel provides a snapshot of the security status of your devices. The security statuses are high risk, medium risk, low risk, no risk, or undetermined risk.
Click on one of the statuses to see the corresponding devices in the Devices & Groups section.
Learn more about how we measure device security.
Device Location
The Device Location panel shows the physical location reported by each of your devices on a map.
The Alerts panel provides a summary of alerts you’ve created in the last 7 days. It displays the name of the alert and the number of times each has fired.
Click on one of the alerts to see detailed information about it in the Alerts section.
Recent Pipelines
This status panel provides a summary of the tasks in the Pipeline. It displays the information about the name, id of the job in the pipeline along with the status of the job. When you click on the View Run button or the Run Id link, you will be taken to the Pipeline section where you can view the details.